Prioritising Yourself: Self-care and Mental Health
Self-care is a topic or key word that is thrown around a lot. Sayings such as “you can’t pour from an empty cup” is a metaphor often shared to remind us of the importance of prioritising ourselves first and foremost. If we do not operate from a place where our ‘cup’ (e.g., our entire being – mind, body, and spirit) is not overflowing OR not even refilling itself, we may start to experience mental health challenges and struggles in our day-to-day experience. This can look like getting easily annoyed at things in our life, feeling very tired and exhausted, blaming others, and playing a ‘victim’ in our lives.
If this rings true to you at the moment, take a moment to think about what you would like to do more of or less of in your life to put yourself first? It may be trying an activity you have wanted to do for some time now, or bringing back loving actions, such as morning walks before work, staring out in the ocean for a few minutes, or reducing what you say ‘yes’ to at work. It is really about doing things that make you feel safe and at ease. It doesn’t have to take up a whole day, particularly if you feel your time is poor at the moment. Just 5-minutes every day is a STEP forward!
It is important to note that we are all so unique with what works for us and what doesn’t work so well when looking after ourselves. Whilst your friend or family member might enjoy going for regular massages, you might enjoy simply sitting outside in the sun for 15-minutes each day and feeling the warmth on your skin. Everyone’s needs and likes are so different! There is no right and wrong way of looking after yourself. Remembering as you change and grow, your self-care routine and rituals may also begin to change to meet the new version of yourself. Keeping curious and making it simple is key.
My question to you is, ‘What does ‘self-care’ really look like for YOU?’
If you are unsure what this means to you and feel like you need a helping hand with prioritising yourself and/or any extra support with mental health challenges, you can book a session with me under ‘Book a session’ tab or contact me via email.
Many blessings to you,